Portions of the expedition will be told within this blog. Download E.O. Wilson's Life on Earth for free from iBooks to see how last year's expedition was incorporated into the book.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Morgan and Bailey arrive

Bailey and I flew North Carolina to JFK to Johannesburg (15-hour leg!) to Beira and the trip wasn't 10 percent as tough as we had feared. We stayed up all night Friday night, cabbed to the plane, and half slept all the way there. Never slept all the way, but got to spend half the trip elsewhere. When Bailey is in her hibernating posture she can do the trick of rolling in the seat until her feet are pointing at the luggage bin. I can't.

Vasco and Claude met us at Beira this afternoon, we signed the guest book in the visa office and jumped on the little helicopter. Shock number one. Gorongosa is a great deal huger than I thought.

We arrived at Chitengo as everyone else was leaving for another bout of Ed's Hot Streak. The original schedule was tight. Then we loosened up and decided to play the first few days by ear and plan textbook lesson as we went. Then Ed arrived with Jay and started pouring out lessons on camera and the textbook shoot jumped off the starting line. I missed day one and two. Bailey and I arrived in the little helicopter today just as the Ed crew was heading back out in the big helicopter.

Macadona offered us a spin in a safari truck until they came back, so we climbed up and went for a look around. As it happens, someone told the lions that Bailey was coming. Macadona hadn't seen them at the once-upon-a-time legendary Lion House in years.

They said, "What's up, Piedmont Flats?" We said, "What's up, lions?"

Then Bailey fell asleep on the ride home and it seems like I better get some sleep too.

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